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Hypnotherapy Blog
Jacqueline Dower
Feb 6, 20212 min read
Why is the subconscious brain so powerful?
We have two parts to our brain the conscious part and the subconscious part. Conscious thought is when we put something into action....
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Jacqueline Dower
Nov 20, 20205 min read
Procrastination = Anxiety
At its worst procrastination can really get hold of you. The more it gets a grip, the more anxious you become. It's not that you started...
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Jacqueline Dower
Sep 2, 20192 min read
The secret of getting ahead is getting started
Agatha Christie once wrote - The secret of getting ahead is getting started. How true these words are. When we don't take action on...
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Jacqueline Dower
Feb 23, 20192 min read
Hypnosis can increase your visualisation.
Stay focus and positive with help from hypnotherapy to increase your visualisation. The first and most important thing about our brain is...
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Jacqueline Dower
Nov 24, 20183 min read
Procrastination help with hypnotherapy
Why hypnotherapy can help with procrastination We have all done it, put things off until another day, hoping they will get done by...
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Jacqueline Dower
May 28, 20182 min read
I will do it tomorrow, does this sound like you?
We all do it, but we don’t like doing it.. but why do we procrastinate. Funny word procrastination, who would have thought, that putting...
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